鍏儀科技有限公司 -- 墊片-Kempchen Gasket overview
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最後更新 : 01/15

膜片閥-Diaphragm Valves A-type
    • overview
    • Since the establishment of our company in 1889, we have made significant contributions to the advancement of sealing technology with the development of our gaskets, packings and compensators. This is a tradition that we continue to this day. Thanks to the years of technical expertise available to us, we can offer clients not just standard solutions, but individually tailored problem and system solutions. Our clients benefit from this added value every day.
    • The quality of a product starts with the selection of the raw materials. We only use proved and tested materials, which also undergo continuous quality control in a modern chemical and physical laboratory.
      All test results are documented and must be attached to the relevant batch. We keep the most commonly used materials in our semi-finished products store, so our clients can always be supplied quickly.
    • On request, we and our distribution partners keep many standard and non-standard dimensions of our products in an extensive components warehouse. Our warehouse holds a range of more than 17,000 different articles in a variety of shapes and sizes.
