鍏儀科技有限公司 -- 減壓閥--Bailey 746 Safety Relief Valve
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最後更新 : 01/15

膜片閥-Diaphragm Valves A-type
      • 746 Safety Relief Valve
  •  The 746 Safety Relief Valve incorporates a freely pivoting disc, which ensures correct alignment with the nozzle. The combination of top guiding, unobstructed seat bore and full lift capability ensures the highest possible discharge rate thus maximum plant protection.
    Due to the large flows available the inlet pipework must be sized to give a maximum inlet pressure drop of 3%.
    The 746 safety relief valve is available in both conventional and balanced bellows types, and features a special disc style for liquid application, which enhances valve performance.
    The ‘conventional’ arrangement is suitable for applications where the built up pressure will not exceed 5%. The conventional valve can also be used in systems where the superimposed backpressure is at a constant level (up to 80%).
    The ‘balanced bellows’ arrangement is for applications where several safety relief valves discharge into a common discharge manifold, or in any circumstances where a variable back pressure can occur, up to a maximum of 40%.
