鍏儀科技有限公司 -- 減壓閥--Bailey 716 Safety Relief Valve
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最後更新 : 01/15

膜片閥-Diaphragm Valves A-type
      • 716 Safety Relief Valve
    • The 716 Safety Relief Valve combines a top guided,unobstructed seat bore with full lift capability to provide maximum discharge capability.
         Positive reseating is achieved with freely pivoting EPDM discs for gas, hot water and other liquid duties up to 150°C. Optional Aflas soft seats increase the range to 200°C.
         Precision lapped stainless steel trim gives positive re-seating for steam duty at higher temperatures.      Fitted with a test lever for inline safety checking, or alternatively with a sealed dome for service conditions requiring a pressure tight seal on the discharge side, eg. liquid service.

